Source code for pingstats.ui

""" Outlines UI behaviour.

UI is presented by outputting the same number of columns and rows as the connected

The UI is constructed of several :class:`pingstats.ui.PingsWidget` derivative classes.
Each of these classes outputs different types of information to the display. Each
type of derivative class has similar output:

  Where objects with the following in their names have the listed effect:

    - ``Status``

      - A single line display of simple information. For example, the number of
        packets being displayed for a given measure (:class:`pingstats.ui.RealtimeStatus`
        or :class:`pingstats.ui.AverageStatusc`) or a simple display of ping target
        and program version.

    - ``Plot``

      - A plot based on :class:`hipsterplot` plotting functionality. Each plot
        displays particular information (:class:`pingstats.ui.RealtimePlot` displays
        a plot of realtime ping data, :class:`pingstats.ui.AveragePlot` displays
        a plot of the average of those realtime data points.

    - ``Pane``

      - Some combination of ``Status`` and ``Plot`` widgets.

The :class:`pingstats.ui.Runner` class provides functionality for dynamically executing
the UI. For example, given the command line argument ``-l realtimepane,progstatus,averagepane``
produces the default display of the software.

import pingstats
from . import Pings
from . import PROG_NAME, __version__, X_COLUMN_SCALE, Y_ROW_SCALE
from . import plot_pings

import inspect
import sys
from shutil import get_terminal_size
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from time import sleep
from os import name, system

[docs]class Widget: """ Base class for all UI elements. Defines columns and rows. """
[docs] def __init__(self, columns, rows): """ Instantiates self.columns and self.rows :columns: The total number of columns available for display. :rows: The total number of rows available for display. """ self.columns = columns self.rows = rows # - Y_ROW_SCALE
[docs]class PingWidget(Widget): """ Adds realtime and average data objects to self """
[docs] def __init__(self, columns, rows, pings_object): """ Instantiate self.columns, self.rows, self.realtime_data, self.average_data :columns: The total number of columns available for display. :rows: The total number of rows available for display. :pings_object: An instance of :meth:`pingstats.Pings` """ super(PingWidget, self).__init__(columns, rows) self.address = pings_object.address self.realtime_data = pings_object.realtime_data self.average_data = pings_object.average_data self.current_line = pings_object.current_line
[docs]class ProgStatus(PingWidget): """ Displays Program information, and a separator bar. Example output: >>> "pingstats V0.9 ------------------------ ping data from """ def __init__(self, *args): super(ProgStatus, self).__init__(*args) left = '%s %s ' % (PROG_NAME, __version__) right = ' ping data from %s' % self.address for i in range(self.columns - (len(left) + len(right))): left += '-' print(left + right)
[docs]class RealtimeStatus(PingWidget): """ Displays information about real-time data, and packets dropped. Example output: >>> "Displaying 12 packets from" - OR - >>> "3 packets dropped of 12" """ def __init__(self, *args): super(RealtimeStatus, self).__init__(*args) status_string = '' if self.realtime_data.count(-1) == 1: status_string += '1 packet dropped of %s' % len(self.realtime_data) elif self.realtime_data.count(-1) > 1: status_string += '%s packets dropped of %s' % (self.realtime_data.count(-1), len(self.realtime_data)) else: status_string += 'Displaying %s total packets from %s' % (len(self.realtime_data), self.address) print(
[docs]class AverageStatus(PingWidget): """ Displays information about average data, and if the connection was dropped. Example output: >>> "Displaying the average of 12 total packets from" - OR - >>> "Connection dropped!" """ def __init__(self, *args): super(AverageStatus, self).__init__(*args) if sum(self.average_data) / len(self.average_data) < 0: print('Connection dropped!'.center(self.columns)) else: string = ('Displaying the average of %s total packets from %s' % (len(self.average_data), self.address)) print(
[docs]class RawStatus(PingWidget): """ Displays the current data line from the original call to ping. Example output: >>> -----------64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.115 ms------------ """ def __init__(self, *args): super(RawStatus, self).__init__(*args) print(, '-'))
[docs]class DroppedStatus(PingWidget): """ Displays how many packets have been dropped if any, otherwise the program name. Example Output: >>> -----------64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.115 ms------------ - or - >>> -----------64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.115 ms------------ """ def __init__(self, *args): super(DroppedStatus, self).__init__(*args) if self.realtime_data.count(-1): status_string = '%i packets dropped of %i from %s' % ( self.realtime_data.count(-1), len(self.realtime_data), self.address ) else: status_string = '%s %s - %s' % (PROG_NAME, __version__, self.address) print(, '-'))
class _HipsterPlotWidget(PingWidget): """ Applies :py:data:`pingstats.X_COLUMN_SCALE` to self.columns. """ def __init__(self, *args): super(_HipsterPlotWidget, self).__init__(*args) self.columns -= X_COLUMN_SCALE self.rows -= Y_ROW_SCALE
[docs]class RealtimePlot(PingWidget if 'hipsterplot' not in dir(pingstats) else _HipsterPlotWidget): """ Displays real-time data on a plot. """ def __init__(self, *args): super(RealtimePlot, self).__init__(*args) plot_pings(self.realtime_data, self.columns, self.rows)
[docs]class AveragePlot(PingWidget if 'hipsterplot' not in dir(pingstats) else _HipsterPlotWidget): """ Displays average data on a plot. """ def __init__(self, *args): super(AveragePlot, self).__init__(*args) plot_pings(self.average_data, self.columns, self.rows)
[docs]class RealtimePane(PingWidget if 'hipsterplot' not in dir(pingstats) else _HipsterPlotWidget): """ Displays real-time data on a plot, along with the output of :py:meth:`pingstats.ui.RealtimeStatus`. """ def __init__(self, columns, rows, pings): columns, rows, pings = columns, rows, pings super(RealtimePane, self).__init__(columns, rows, pings) rows = rows - 1 RealtimePlot(columns, rows, pings) RealtimeStatus(columns, rows, pings)
[docs]class AveragePane(PingWidget if 'hipsterplot' not in dir(pingstats) else _HipsterPlotWidget): """ Displays average data on a plot, along with the output of :py:meth:`pingstats.ui.AverageStatus`. """ def __init__(self, columns, rows, pings): columns, rows, pings = columns, rows, pings super(AveragePane, self).__init__(columns, rows, pings) rows = rows - 1 AveragePlot(columns, rows, pings) AverageStatus(columns, rows, pings)
def print_widgets(): widgets_string = 'Available Widgets are as follows:\n' for member in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass): if issubclass(member[1], PingWidget): if not member[0].count('PingsWidget') and not member[0].count('PlotWidget'): widgets_string += '\n %s - %s' % (member[0], str(member[1].__doc__).split('\n')[0]) return widgets_string parser = ArgumentParser(prog=PROG_NAME) parser.add_argument('address', help='The address to ping. This could be either ' 'a web address (i.e, "") or an IP address.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--layout', default='realtimepane,progstatus,averagepane', help="Specify a UI layout by listing ui elements in a comma " "separated list where 'realtimepane,progstatus,averagepane' " "displays the default layout. See the docs for more " "information. ") parser.add_argument('--list-widgets', action='store_true', help="Output a list of available widgets for '-l'") parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__)) class Runner: """ Layout strings can be constructed by a comment separated list of class names. For example, the following: :: realtimeplot,progstatus,averageplot Yields the following classes: :: [pingstats.ui.RealtimePlot, pingstats.ui.ProgStatus, pingstats.ui.AveragePlot] Please note. These class names must be exact, a misspelled class name will result in none being returned. """ def __init__(self, custom_widgets=[], argv=None): if sys.argv.count('--list-widgets'): print(print_widgets()) exit(0) if argv is not None: self.parsed = parser.parse_args(argv) else: self.parsed = parser.parse_args() self.custom_widgets = custom_widgets def __call__(self): pings = Pings(self.parsed.address) try: for ping in pings: system('clear' if name != 'nt' else 'cls') columns, rows = get_terminal_size() num_plots = self.parsed.layout.count('pane') + self.parsed.layout.count('plot') num_status = self.parsed.layout.count('status') num_status = num_status if name != 'nt' else num_status * 2 modifier = 1 if name != 'nt' else 2 # account for input line, modified by os if num_plots < 1: plot_rows = 1 else: plot_rows = int((rows - num_status - modifier) / num_plots) for member in self.yield_layout(self.parsed.layout): if member[0].lower().count('status'): member[1](columns, 1, pings) else: member[1](columns, int(plot_rows), pings) # If, on round down, we have displayed fewer rows than there are # available on the STDOUT, print lines to make up for difference for i in range(rows - (plot_rows * num_plots) - num_status - modifier): print('') sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass @property def widgets(self): return ([(i.__name__, i) for i in self.custom_widgets.copy()] + inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)) def yield_layout(self, layout_str): """ Returns objects for each object in the layout string. Yields a tuple with the following layout: :: [0] = Class name as string [1] = Class object """ for layout_class in layout_str.split(','): for member in self.widgets: if member[0].lower() == layout_class.lower(): yield member def _run(argv=None): # DEBUG: NEEDS TESTING Runner(argv=argv)()