Source code for pingstats

""" Example Usage:

    >>> import pingstats
    >>> pings = pingstats.Pings('')
    >>> for ping in pings:
    ...     pingstats.plot_pings(pings.realtime_data)
    ...     print(ping)
    # The most recent return time in milliseconds
from __future__ import print_function, with_statement

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from os import name
from shutil import which
import sys

    if which('gnuplot'):
        import asciiplotlib as apl
        raise RuntimeError('cannot import asciiplotlib without gnuplot')
except RuntimeError:
    from hipsterplot import plot

from .config import get_lines, append_argv, parse_lines

if sys.argv[0].count('pingstats') and not sys.argv[0].count('.py'):
    lines = get_lines()
    if lines is not None:
        except AssertionError as e:

__version__ = "1.0.0"
PROG_NAME = 'pingstats'

parser = ArgumentParser(prog=PROG_NAME)

parser.add_argument('address', help='The address to ping. This could be either '
                    'a web address (i.e, "") or an IP address.')

parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version',
                    version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__))

X_COLUMN_SCALE = 11 if name != 'nt' else 13

# __all__ = ['Pings', 'plot_pings']

[docs]class Pings: """ Main logic object for obtaining ping data. Example Usage: >>> from pingstats import Pings >>> pings = Pings('') >>> for this_time in pings: ... print(pings.realtime_data) ... print(pings.average_data) ... print(pings.current_line) ... print(this_time) # current ping's realtime data in milliseconds """
[docs] def __init__(self, address, realtime_data=[], average_data=[], realtime_data_length=20, average_data_length=200): """ Instantiates data used during the ping retrieval process. :address: The address to send ICMP ECHO requests to. :realtime_data: A python list object to continue to append data to. :average_data: A python list object to continue to append data to. :realtime_data_length: The maximum size of the realtime_data list :average_data_length: The maximum size of the average_data list """ # NOTE: Must create data copy of argument lists to ensure new instances # have new lists. self.address = address self.realtime_data, self.average_data = realtime_data[:], average_data[:] self._realtime_data_length, self._average_data_length = realtime_data_length, average_data_length self.current_line = ''
def _decode_line(self, line): """ Decodes a line from internal ping call, returning the connection time. ..note: This function also correctly handles switching between POSIX standard ``ping.c`` and Windows NT ``ping.c`` formats. :line: A line returned from `get_ping.process`. :returns: Either the return time in milliseconds (as float), -1 on timeout, or None. """ if line.lower().count('ttl'): if name != "nt": return float(line.split('time=')[1].split(' ')[0]) else: if line.count('time<'): return float(line.split('time<')[1].split(' ')[0].strip('<ms')) else: return float(line.split('time=')[1].split(' ')[0].strip('ms')) elif line.lower().count('0 received' if name != 'nt' else '100% loss'): return -1 def _run_subprocess(self, address): """ Runs a ping subprocess, passing the user specified address to the command. ..note: This function also correctly handles switching between POSIX standard ``ping.c`` and Windows NT ``ping.c`` formats. :address: The address to request ``ICMP ECHO`` requests to (i.e '') :returns: The output of the sub process (POSIX standard or Windows NT ping output) """ if name != 'nt': process = Popen(['ping', '-c 1', address], stdout=PIPE) else: process = Popen(['ping', '-n', '1', address], stdout=PIPE) process.wait() stdout, stderr = process.communicate() return stdout.decode('UTF-8').splitlines() def __iter__(self): """ Iteratively spawns ``ICMP`` requests for ``self.address``. :yields: The return time in milliseconds """ # init data this_time = 0 while 1: for line in self._run_subprocess(self.address): if len(self.realtime_data) > self._realtime_data_length: # enforce max length self.realtime_data.pop(0) line_value = self._decode_line(line) # get float return length from line if line_value is not None: this_time = line_value self.current_line = line self.realtime_data.append(line_value) else: # On end of for loop, calculate average and append it if len(self.average_data) == self._average_data_length: self.average_data.pop(0) self.average_data.append(sum(self.realtime_data) / len(self.realtime_data if self.realtime_data != 0 else 1)) yield this_time
[docs]def get_pings(address): # TODO Needs additional Testing """ Yields the last set of realtime and average data points, according to user specified maximum. :address: The address to send ``ICMP ECHO`` requests to. """ pings = Pings(address) for ping in pings: yield pings.realtime_data[-1], pings.average_data[-1]
def __hipsterplot_render(pings, columns=70, rows=15): """ Provides high level bindings to ``hipsterplot.plot`` for use with :py:func:`pingstats.get_pings`. :pings: A list object containing ping return times as float values, normally from :py:func:`pingstats.get_pings` :columns: The number of columns to draw for the plot :rows: The number of rows to draw for the plot """ plot(pings, num_x_chars=columns, num_y_chars=rows) def __asciiplotlib_render(pings, columns=70, rows=15): """ Provides high level bindings to ``hipsterplot.plot`` for use with :py:func:`pingstats.get_pings`. :pings: A list object containing ping return times as float values, normally from :py:func:`pingstats.get_pings` :columns: The number of columns to draw for the plot :rows: The number of rows to draw for the plot """ x_points = [i + 1 for i in range(len(pings))] fig = apl.figure() fig.plot(x_points, pings, width=columns, height=rows, ylim=(min(pings) - 1, max(pings) + 2), label="Return Time (milliseconds)", xlabel="ICMP Request Number")
[docs]def plot_pings(pings, columns=70, rows=15): """ Provides high level bindings to ``hipsterplot.plot`` for use with :py:func:`pingstats.get_pings`. :pings: A list object containing ping return times as float values, normally from :py:func:`pingstats.get_pings` :columns: The number of columns to draw for the plot :rows: The number of rows to draw for the plot """ if sys.modules['asciiplotlib']: __asciiplotlib_render(pings, columns=columns, rows=rows) else: __hipsterplot_render(pings, columns=columns, rows=rows)